sonic-fiction: Jonáš Gruska (LOM)

Adam Radź

Gościem będzie Jonáš Gruska – urodzony w Czechosłowacji artysta multidyscyplinarny, producent, założyciel labelu LOM oraz LOM Space – laboratorium elektroakustyki w Bratysławie. Entuzjasta mykologii.

‚This mix was constructed with aim to share some of the most inspiring music I know. It contains recordings from various parts of South-East Asia, Northern Africa and Slovakia.’

  • Murung – Ritual Mouth-Organs Of The Murung - Bangladesh — Piece For Plung Orchestra
  • Hsaing Waing, Kyaukpadaung — Myanmar
  • Nek Amir plays Suling Lembang in Tana Toraja
  • Fatou Seidi Ghali (Les Filles de Illighadad) — Telilit
  • Bundengan — Folk Zithers and Duck Herders in Wonosobo, Central Java
  • Solomon Islands: Fataleka and Baegu Music from Malaita — Rorogwela Lullaby
  • Pattala — Myanmar Traditional Xylophone by Gita Weikzar Aung One Two
  • Rebana Reong — Tuned Frame Drums of Lombok
  • ขุนนรินทร์พิณซิ่ง8.mp4
  • Lompat phai by master Daeng toy
  • Kecapi Suling Es Lilin
  • Guruh Gipsy — Sekar Ginotan
  • pavlovce mekenzi 0915584557
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Analogue Meditations: #1


Vespa Velutina: #21 z Tartine de Contrebasse