morning stories: #1 forests

Julian RiekenHania Grześkiewicz

For our first episode, we invite you for a walk in the forest. We talk about various indigenous communities in Latin America, who have been working to protect areas of the Amazon Rainforest; we talk about the Instituto Terra and its reforestation programme; and we talk about our hopes for Białowieża. We feature artists, whose work is developed from indigenous practices and knowledges of care for nature: Comunidad Sikuris and Max Cilla. This episode is inspired by Peter Gelderloos’ book ‘The Solutions Are Already Here’.

  • Ifi Ude - Intro
  • Ifi Ude - Dusza
  • Monte, Bomba Estéreo, Nidia Gongora - Sonic Forest (Déjame Respirar)
  • El Búho (feat. Sutari) - Białowieża
  • Gilberto Gil (feat. Bem Gil & Gilsons) - Refloresta
  • Xiuhtezcatl (feat. Stic + DJ Cavem + Matene Strikesfirst) - Sage Up
  • Max Cilla - La Flûte Des Mornes
  • Tinariwen - Imidiwan Ma Tennam
  • Bomba Estéreo - Tierra
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