Radio Bluszcze: Gra taśmy prawdy

Patryk Daszkiewicz

Radio Bluszcze gra Taśmy Prawdy

Marcin Barski:
„ is a blog where I publish fragments of private recordings from old cassettes, founded at flea markets and online auctions. The universality of devices equipped with a microphone has allowed people for decades to record all the sounds that they considered important for any reason. Sometimes it is really difficult to find out what were the reasons. Many of these recordings turned out to be completely unnecessary over time. The collection I have accumulated for years is not only a document of the era, but also a collection of stories – small truths, so small that sometimes you have to make a good effort to to hear them. Recordings on the blog are published daily, this mix consists only of such finds. „

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Outer Rim: #004


s jak suczka: Julius/Femenine

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