Pasmo gościnne: Andrew Oda

This mix was made in preparation for an album of mine that is coming out near the end of the year on Mappa Editions, and also 
as a journey in its own way. I imagine the mix as kind of a short lifetime with lots of sonic twists and turns and odd detours. But ultimately having a cohesive narrative towards wholeness and integration.
  • Charles Dodge - We Are Reading the Story of Our Lives
  • Ellen Arkbro - It's Been a Long Time Since I Heard You Sing
  • Manja Ristić - Maks Vanka
  • Andrew Oda - Ground
  • Aleksandra Słyż - Healing
  • Maria W Horn - Hornlåten
  • Mark Bradshaw - What Isn't Strange (You Won't Be Alone OST)
  • Dialect - Crypt
  • Katarina Gryvul - Bezodnya
  • Lee Fraser - Reliq Ens
  • Andrew Oda - Flowing Tongues
  • Andrew Oda - Warmth
  • Shiro Sagisu - Escape to the Beginning (End of Evangelion OST)
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Idę na: Unsound Kraków 2024: NOISE (gościni: Gosia Płysa)